Browse Items (222 total)

Women's Cross Country Takes SCIAC069.jpg
People mentioned in the article: Kelly Redfield, Kirk Reynolds, Mary Raney, Judish Alderman, Rachel Unger, Maya Tussing, Hillary Park.

Cousins, Bokovy, Ferren Look Back-img133.jpg
From The Student Life. Those included in the article: Janet Cousins, Melissa Bokovoy, Carol Ferren, Nettie Morrison.

Dynamic Duos041.jpg
Pomona College Magazine article, page 36-37.
People mentioned: Meghan Gould'01, Sheree Schwartz'02, Coach Ann Lebedeff, Lisa Beckett, Kirk Reynolds, Caryn Cranston'92, Shelley Keeler'92, Julie Lindberg'88, Karen Nilsen'89, Erin Hendricks'92.

Sagehen Sports 1982 (part 2) Carol Ferren-img131.jpg
From the Pomona College Bulletin. Those included in the article: Carol Ferren, Nancy Breitenstein, Kris Kristofferson. Part 1 of the Pomona College Bulletin's Sagehen Sports can be found in Miscellaneous Materials.
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